
BikeMi Map – Android app (link)


I was really tired of having a really bad official BikeMi app on my android phone: so I created my WORKING one! You can find it on Google’s Play store here. It shows available bikes, electric bikes, racks for each station,  your GPS position, traffic and 3d buildings, trasparent markers, GPS following.

Arduino Robot (link)

2WD_MobilePlatformAssembled_2Arduino is a small architecture perfectly capable to manage a simple robot. I decided to experiment a bit with DFRobot’s 2WD Mobile Platform (link) and its accessories. The small amount of RAM does not allow a really complex program, but something can be done adding a more capable external “brain”: Raspberry PI!

Arduino (link)

Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform. The low cost board can be connected to a PC and programmed in C++ to gather digital or analog inputs from sensors and to produce digital or analog outputs to control motors, servos, relays, LEDs and so on. With a few euros one can connect the Arduino to the Internet waiting for the signal to open a door or to power up some lights, or control the movement of a small robot.

RC Racing 360

RC Racing 360 is a published XBox 360 game I programmed in 6 months in a small team with a 3d artist and a game designer in C# using the XNA 3.1 framework. It is available on the Microsoft Marketplace at 240 MS (link). The game features 60 fps frenetic racing on remote controlled cars, split-screen gaming up to 4 players, 7 tracks, 6 vehicles, multiple skins, 3 weather conditions, atmosferic scattering, vehicle ambient occlusions, bloom, motion blur, shadowmapping, 3d rigid physics, dynamic music tracks, multiple AI behavoiurs, xbox avatars, savegames.

GPU Surgical Simulator

The physics simulation of a big deformable body is not possible on CPU at the rate required by haptic-feedback devices (1000 physics steps per second). For this reason I developed a GPU version of the physics simlation code. At that time there was no CUDA nor OpenCL nor DirectCompute frameworks: everything was developed by pixel-shaders used as compute kernels. The project started as my Master Thesis and then it evolved in a much bigger software used by the University of Verona’s Altair lab (link) and by Surgica Robotica S.p.a (link). I wrote the article Simulation of deformable environment with haptic feedback on GPU available in Proceedings 3959-3964 of IROS 2008: International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (link). Download really old version

3D Engine (Bachelor’s Degree)

This project was a part of the my bachelor’s degree. I developed a 3d engine with programmable shaders for lighting, normalmaps, shadowvolumes, automatic portal and sector placement for visibility, skinned animations. Download

3D Reconstruction (Shape from silhouette)

This project was used by the VIPS lab at my university to reconstruct the 3d shape of a moving person inside a predefined space captured by 5 cameras, capturing images at 120 Hz. During setup time a shot of the empty space is taken by each camera. At runtime each camera take a shot of the 3d space: these images are tested with the empty space shots to filter pixels of the person body from the empty space ones. The selected pixels are reprojected in a high voxelleted representation of the 3d space, removing external voxels. The intersection of the selected voxels will define the person 3D shape. Download

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